222 research outputs found


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    To develop the Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) system in Indonesia, competency standards have been borrowed globally and implemented, as part of the national agenda for skills recognition and skills qualifications. Little research exists regarding the effectiveness of the implementation of the Indonesian version of competency standards, named Indonesian National Competency Standards (SKKNI) in Indonesian TVET institutions. This study consisted of empirical surveys based on comprehensive questionnaires, followed by individual and group semi-structured interviews, as well as the analyses of relevant documents. The study involved participants from two types of institutions in Indonesian TVET which were managed by two different ministries and implementers from relevant institutions. The first type was Vocational Training Centres (BLK) of the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) which assumed the leadership of the development of the policy of SKKNI. The second type was Vocational Senior Secondary Schools (SMK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) which was the main regulator and the provider of education and training in education institutions nationally. Findings revealed that the policy of SKKNI was poorly established, the resources for implementation of SKKNI was limited (financial, curricular and training workshops), there was a tension and rivalry between two ministries and lack of coordination and cooperation for implementation, he commitment of implementers was generally insufficient, however participants from a small number of TVET institutions implementing the SKKNI showed a high commitment for implementation, the support from external stakeholders (industry and the public) was insufficient, teachers’ disposition significantly contributed as a predictor for teachers’ performance in implementing two aspects of SKKNI (certification aspects and curricular aspects) and certified teachers showed better disposition and performance in implementing SKKNI

    Keterampilan Generik dalam Kurikulum SMK: Proposal untuk Membangun Karakter Siswa SMK

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    Keterampilan generik serta beberapa istilah lain yang serupa telah berkembang sangat luas di Amerika, Australia dan Eropa. Di Indonesia, keterampilan generik yang lebih popular dengan nama soft skills ini belum menjadi perhatian besar bagi stakeholders Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Makalah ini akan memaparkan urgensi serta tuntutan dunia kerja akan keterampilan generik bagi tenaga kerja yang mereka butuhkan. Makalah ini juga akan membandingkan kesesuaian elemen-elemen keterampilan generik yang berkembang di Australia dengan dua mata pelajaran kelompok adaptif di SMK. Kajian ini mengambil mata pelajaran Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengolahan Informasi (KKPI) dan Kewirausahaan sebagai pembanding dengan konsep keterampilan generik model Australia. Hasil perbandingan menunjukkan bahwa elemen keterampilan generik di pelajaran-pelajaran kelompok adaptif masih sangat kurang dibandingkan dengan jenis keterampilan yang sama yang berkembang di Australia. Pada bagian akhir akan dipaparkan beberapa pilihan dan agenda pengembangan keterampilan generik sebagai kerangka untuk membangun karakter khas siswa SMK serta tenaga kerja masa depan


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    Peritonitis adalah inflamasi peritoneum yang dapat terjadi karena kontaminasi mikroorganisme dalam rongga peritoneum, bahan kimiawi, atau keduanya. Peritonitis merupakan komplikasi berbahaya yang sering terjadi akibat penyebaran infeksi dari organ-organ abdomen. Peritonitis masih merupakan masalah yang besar karena angka mortalitas dan morbilitasnya tinggi termasuk di Indonesia. Manajemen terapi yang tidak adekuat bisa berakibat fatal. Keputusan untuk melakukan tindakan bedah harus segera diambil karena setiap keterlambatan akan menimbulkan komplikasi yang semakin berat. Pemberian antibiotik dan terapi penunjang lainnya diberikan guna mencegah komplikasi sekunder yang mungkin terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran penyakit peritonitis perforasi terhadap penyebab dan pengobatanya di Cut Meutia Aceh Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan deskriptif retrospektif terhadap 45 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin pasien laki-laki di dapatkan lebih banyak 30 orang (66,6%). Berdasarkan usia terbanyak berada pada kelompok usia 40-60 tahun sebanyak 18 orang (40%). Berdasarkan etiologi Peritonitis perforasi, appendisitis perforasi merupakan penyebab terbanyak 20 orang (44,4%). Berdasarkan manifestasi klinis nyeri perut diderita 45 orang (100%) dan menjadi manifestasi tersering yang dialami. Berdasarkan tindakan operatif Laparotomy eksplorasi dengan apendektomi merupakan tindakan terbanyak dilakukan ke 20 orang (44,4%). Berdasarkan post operatif komplikasi menujukan bahwa tidak ada komplikasi yang berarti pada pasien sebanyak 37 orang (82,2%). Berdasarkan lama rawatan menunjukan 4-7 hari merupakan waktu yang  dibutuhkan untuk pasien pulang sebanyak 24 orang (53,4%)

    Penerapan Konsep Andragogi Pada Pembelajaran Online Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana optimalisasi penerapan konsep andragogi pada pembelajaran online yang dilakukan di masa pandemic covid-19 sebagai salah satu upaya yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis seseorang. Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang digunakan peneliti pada penelitian ini. Peneliti mendeskripsikan fakta, data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari kajian kepustakaan seperti buku, jurnal hingga hasil penelitian yang berhubungan denga topik penelitian. Pada penelitian ini dijelaskan bahwasannya berbagai dampak dan pengaruh dirasakan oleh bangsa Indonesia akibat terjadinya pandami covid-19. Salah satunya adalah dampak yang dirasalakan sektor Pendidikan yang secara langsung dan pertama kalinya mampu mengubah model hingga sistem yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pengarh negative seperti degradasi yang semakin terlihat juga turut serta mewarnai problematika kongkrit yang terjadi. Hal ini tidak hanya terjadi pada anak-anak saja melainkan pembelajar dewasa yang seharusny sudah mampu memilah konsep dan perilaku yang sesuai juga perlu disorot mengingat figur seorang dewasa harusnya memberi contoh dan teladan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengembangan dan penerapan secara optimal konsep andragogi di kalangan pembelajar dewasa baik formal maupun non formal di Indoenesia. Secara teori dan factual di lapangan berbagai penelitian membuktikan bahwasaanya penerapan konsep andragogi ini dapat meningkatkan kemmapuan berpikir kritis seorang individu sehingga kedepannya individu tersebut mampu menempatkan dirinya secara benar di masyarakat

    Study of weed population and growth performance of different rice varieties under aerobic condition / Muhammad Nazhif Mohd Sayuti

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    Rice is a main source of food for more than half of the world population, and more than 90% of rice worldwide is grown and consumed in Asia. Aerobic rice was one of the planting techniques that could overcome water scarcity or drought problems in Malaysia. This is because aerobic rice can be planted in non-puddled and non-saturated condition which reduce water consumption more than 50% compared to irrigated rice. Sustainable weed management strategy in aerobic rice system would be beneficial from both economic and environmental perspectives. However, weed infestation is one of the major limitation in aerobic rice production due to no standing water upon rice germination. Objectives of this study was to identify weed population and rice growth performance under different types of rice varieties. A glass house experiment was conducted to evaluate the competitive ability of three rice varieties, namely AERON 1, MRIA 1, and MR 219 in RCBD with 3 replications. Results revealed that MR 219 had the lowest weed dry weight and weed density and the highest weed dry weight was recorded in AERON 1. Grasses were the most dominant weeds which occupied more than 60% of sum dominance ratio, where Leptochloa chinensis was the most dominant weeds in glass house. MRIA 1 with characteristics of taller plant stature and short growth duration competed better with weed as compared to other varieties with shorter plant and longer growth duration. Weed competition had negative impact on rice plants. Result for plant height showed that MRIA1 had the highest plant height while for the result number of tillers indicated that MR219 had the highest number of tiller then result for leaves chlorophyll revealed that AERON 1 had highest leaves chlorophyll content

    Teknik Operasi Hernia Inguinalis Dan Faktor Risiko Hernia Inguinalis Residif Di 7 Rumah Sakit Perifer Di Aceh

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    Inguinal hernia is a condition of protrusion of all or part of an organ through the locus minoris in the abdominal wall. The incidence of inguinal hernia is quite high, in the world there are approximately 20 million hernia repairs done every year. Hernia repair surgery is considered good if it does not experience recidivism, there are no complications, costs are not too expensive, and patients can immediately carry out their work routines. The incidence of residive hernia is influenced by many factors, including factors from the surgeon, namely the knowledge and skills of the surgeon, the selection of surgical techniques and meshes used, mesh fixation techniques, mesh size, lateral and medial hernia bag management, sliding hernias, lipomas in the inguinal canal, operating time, types of anesthesia, postoperative complications This study aims to determine the incidence of inguinal hernia and recidival inguinal hernia, Surgical techniques used and risk factors associated with recidivist inguinal hernia. This study used a cohort retrospective research design, sampling was carried out in total sampling on inguinal hernia patients who had undergone surgery in 10 government and private hospitals in North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City as many as 1109 patients in the period 2018 to 2021. The results of this study found that the most hernia sufferers found in peripheral hospitals in Aceh were mostly under 60 years old with the most gender being men. The most common risk factors for inguinal hernia are people who are obese, have a history of heavy physical activity, have a history of chronic cough and have a history of constipation. Surgical techniques that are widely used in hernia management are surgical techniques using mesh graft and most patients with ingunal hernias do not experience recidivism. &nbsp

    Industrial Need Analysis in Bakery to Develop Bakepreneurship Learning Model

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    Vocational education has an important role in preparing students to have the skills needed by the industry. This study aims to analyze the needs of the bakery industry to develop a learning model of Bakepreneurship. This study using descriptive qualitative approach by analyzing the needs in the aspect of 1) student, 2) teacher, 3) curriculum, and 4) industry. Based on the analysis results of the stakeholders, we found an idea to develop a Bakepreneurship learning model that can be used as a reference in pastry and bakery learning in the vocational school. Bakepreneurship learning model is a learning model that combines comprehensively aspects of soft skills, hard skills, and entrepreneurship that aim to equip students with the competencies needed by the bakery industry

    Manajemen dan Strategi Hubungan Masyarakat Untuk Kerja Sama Dunia Kerja Dengan SMK di Kota Metro Lampung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen dan strategi hubungan masyarakat pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) dalam upaya yang dilakukan untuk membangun kerja sama dengan dunia kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara semi terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen dan strategi hubungan masyarakat untuk kerja sama dunia kerja dengan SMK di Kota Metro meliputi kegiatan perencanaan survei dan analisis, penyusunan program, anggaran pembiayaan, penyelenggaran, pengembangan kehumasan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan kerja sama yaitu pengorganisasian tim, koordinasi dunia kerja, nota kesepahaman, sinkronisasi kurikulum, praktik kerja lapangan, uji kompetensi keahlian, pelatihan dan pemagangan guru dan program teaching factory. Evaluasi kerja sama meliputi kegiatan evaluasi perencanaan, evaluasi pelaksanaan, analisis dampak pelaksanaan, rencana tindak lanjut. Implementasi dari semua kegiatan kerja sama telah dilaksanakan, meskipun beberapa kegiatan seperti nota kesepahaman, program keterserapan lulusan di dunia kerja, magang guru dan teaching factory harus ditingkatkan. Strategi yang digunakan dalam membangun kerja sama meliputi koordinasi, pendekatan, dan terus menjalin komunikasi serta terbuka dalam memberikan informasi. Diharapkan manajemen dan stategi hubungan masyarakat untuk kerja sama dunia kerja dapat meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didik di Kota Metro

    General Peritonitis ec Appendicitis Perforasi

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    Peritonitis adalah peradangan peritoneum yang merupakan keadaan darurat bedah akut yang mengancam jiwa. Peritonitis umumnya berkembang jika terjadi perforasi atau rupture organ hingga ke dalam rongga perut. Umumnya terjadinya peritonitis karena apendisitis perforasi dengan perkiraan prevalensi sekitar 43,1%. Pasien perempuan 21 tahun datang ke IGD Rumah Sakit Cut Meutia dengan keluhan nyeri perut bagian kanan bawah yang dirasakan terus-menerus sejak 2 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit, nyeri memberat terutama apabila pasien berjalan dan batuk. Pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan kelainan pada abdomen berupa nyeri tekan dan nyeri lepas titik McBurney, Dunphy sign (+), Obturator sign (+), Psoas sign (+), Rovsing sign (-), dan defans muscular diseluruh lapang abdomen. Pemeriksaan penunjang didapatkan leukositosis (14.35 ribu/uL) dan peningkatan nitrofil segmen (82.63%). Pasien diberikan terapi simptomatis dan dilakukan tindakan pembedahan laparotomi appendectomy

    School Contribution to the Community in the Implementation of Vocational High School Empowering Village Program in Kalibawang Sub-District of Wonosobo

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    The objectives of this study are (1) to analyze  the contribution of SMK Negeri 1 Kalibawang in efforts to empower the village community of  Kalibawang  District through  the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program;  (2) analyze the factors supporting the contribution  of SMK in efforts to empower the village community of  Kalibawang  District in the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program;  (3) analyze the inhibiting factorsfor smk's contribution in efforts to empower the village  community of Kalibawang District in the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program. The research uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological strategies in the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program. The research was carried out at SMK Negeri 1 Kalibawang and the Kalibawang District Government. Data collection is carried out by interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Data analysis and validation using  source triangulation  techniques. The results showed that (1) the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program is able to contribute to the improvement of human resources (HR) of the community and the economy of the Kalibawang community through community empowerment strategy-based activities that are integrated with the needs in the village and become one of the solutions to improve the competence of students in the industrial world and theproductivity of students, including:  career center on each competency of expertise (Motorcycle Engineering and Business, Accounting and Financial Institutions, Computer and Network Engineering), banana cultivation on SMK land, entrepreneur e-workshop training, marketing of home industry products, promotion of tourist village destinations, community service,  sharing public health, and launching  program 'SMK Building Villages towards superior smk based on empowerment.  (2) supporting factors in the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program are the support of the village government,  the ability  of competent vocational schools, adequate infrastructure and facilities, and the commitment of all  SMK residents. (3) inhibiting factors in the implementation of the 'SMK Membangun Desa' program regarding time constraints that arethe same as the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic, and program fundingcan be andmanaged independently because it is not a program assistance from the government
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